All posts filed under “Resources

All the Resources-related tutorials, ideas and various posts in Stampede Constructs

how JavaScript works
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How JavaScript Works?

Veteran programmers say things like “don’t block the event loop”, “make sure your code runs at 60 frames-per-second”, “well of course, it won’t work, that function is an asynchronous callback!”. None of these is easily understood by beginners and good explanations of how JavaScript works isn’t that easy to find. This video tutorial by Philip Roberts is simple enough and comes with some handy visualisations and fun hack for us to understand what how JavaScript works

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Lightweight CSS Spinners

Until recent years, programmers had to resort to using animated gif anytime a loading spinner is required. Thanks to CSS3, that is no longer the case. Luke Haas has shared a useful and most importantly lightweight method of using only CSS and a single HTML element to create spinners. Each spinner consists of a single div with a class of loader and content text of “Loading…”. The text is for screen readers and can be used as a fallback state for older browser.

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User names on the fly with UINames

When you are building a user interface, it could be quite taxing to come up with completely fictional user names on the fly. Enter, a simple tool to generate names for use in designs and mockups. At the time of writing, there are close to 1 million names from 30 countries generated so far. Kudos to Thom van der Weerd for making our designers’ lives a lot easier.
