Over the last year, I took part in three large projects. My task was to move away from the old architecture based on PHP and server-side HTML generation, and transition to REST API.
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All the Resources-related tutorials, ideas and various posts in Stampede Constructs
Getting WordPress Dashicons to Work
Dashicons is the icon font used officially in WordPress admin. What’s great about it is that you can add some visual cues on your website without bloating it up. Visuals like images increase load times and don’t scale well, while SVGs require you to read up a bit to actually put it to use Today we’re going to show you how you can get these font icons installed on your WordPress project.
Sublime Text Plugins That We Use
Sublime Text is a fast and powerful text editor that has many features catered for programmers. It is available on OS X, Linux, and Windows.
One of the reasons why this is such a great editor is because it can be fully used using just the keyboard, leaving both hands free for coding. Primary functions are binded to hotkey combinations. If you are familiar with Terminal, then you will feel at home with its interface.
What We Know So Far About Laravel 5.3
You may be familiar with Laravel, the free open-source PHP framework built specifically for web artisans. Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel was not satisfied with the existing PHP frameworks at the time (CodeIgniter, Yii, Zend and Symfony) and because of this, decided to build his own. It has been 5 years since its introduction to the web and now its latest version is arriving soon, Laravel 5.3.
Reversing Common Mistakes Made in Git
Being able to reverse common mistakes found in Git is a good skill to have. You will find that many solid developers use Git to keep track of changes, while others use variant types of Version Control to do so. Version control is a good practice to keep track of changes, along with proper documentation of the project’s development.
Use the Refactoring Method for Cleaner Code
As a developer, we want to maintain our code well. This is to ensure that ourselves and others can understand the code later on. We should have a standard in writing a code, and one of the most basic collections of principles that can help us is Clean Code. When your code is clean, it becomes better, understandable and a lot more maintainable. The best method to achieve this is refactoring.
Latest CSS Libraries, Frameworks and Tools (2016 Edition)
In 10 October 1994, Håkon Wium Lie first introduced CSS. At the time, he was working with Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. Several other style sheet languages for the web were proposed around the same time, and discussions on public mailing lists and inside World Wide Web Consortium resulted in the first W3C CSS Recommendation being released in 1996.
Transform HTML Elements with Ramjet.js
Ramjet.js morphs one DOM (Document Object Model) from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions. To be more specific, it makes it look like two elements are transforming from one to another without actually needing to manually animate it. You can even use it on images too.
Protect Your WordPress Website from User Errors
While WordPress is a powerful and user-friendly CMS, it can also be plagued with errors from user meddling.The platform is used by developers, content writers and other types of users of various knowledge levels regarding the platform. The admin page can change almost anything in WordPress which is great for a developer but frightening of a normal user. This is because normal users are not be able to determine what certain settings can be changed.
Screenshot Webpages Using phantom.js
Screenshot; an image taken by a person to record visible items displayed on a screen. This is an action that most developers are familiar because it conveys a lot of visual information that text cannot.