All posts tagged “virtual reality

Vincent Munoz Virtual Reality Mockup
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VR Interface Mockup to Paint the Future of the Web

The way we use the Internet is through everyday computing devices. This comes in the form of both desktop computers and mobile gadgets (tablets and smartphones). Enter Vincent Munoz from He has created an interesting mockup on how you could explore the Internet with the use of virtual reality. You can move around using WASD on your keyboard and shift your view using your mouse.
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VR Fox
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Mozilla, Web Virtual Reality, and A-Frame

With virtual reality (VR) on the rise, many companies are seeking out to get onto the hype train in anyway possible. Even Mozilla has meddled in VR to an extent. Enter WebVR, an experimental Javascript API that provides access to Virtual Reality devices in your browser.

Along with trying to create an open standard for virtual reality, Mozilla has created a Web Component-based solution for creating 3D visualizations: A-Frame. The community for A-Frame have done a great job making the 3D experience easy for yet visually powerful.

Read more about Mozilla and VR