All posts tagged “effect

Multi-Layer Page Reveal Effects
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Multi-Layer Page Reveal Effects

Animation is important in today’s trend as it brings the sense of interaction between the users and the website or application. Be it simple or complicated, the least you should have is a hover effect on the buttons of your website.

You may have spotted some cool effects seen on websites such as Nation or Keep Portland Weird, where two or more layers of overlays are animated across the page to reveal underlying content.
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Filed under: CSS


Ink Transition Effect
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Ink Transition Effect

Transitions maketh Interaction. Any website or mobile application without any transition would seem dull. The complexity of transitions can be as simple as a fade-in effect to something complex like the Call of Duty: Ghost loading UI Interface . Here’s an Ink transition inspired by Sevenhills, Claudia Romano has said :

“By using a PNG sprite and the steps() timing function in CSS, we can create video effects and use them as transitions”.

So what are you waiting for? Hop on the Transition train for a better future! Hola us for any ideas and comments on transitions!

See how it’s done Checkout the demo