All posts filed under “JavaScript

All the JavaScript-related tutorials, ideas and various posts in Stampede Constructs

Dragula - drag and drop
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Drag and Drop Stuff Using Dragula

Dragula.js is a standalone library created by Nicolas Bevacqua for providing drag and drop features to your website. Dragula claims to provide the easiest possible API to make drag and drop a breeze in your applications. The main features of Dragula are:

  • Super easy to set up
  • No bloated dependencies and lightweight (~9KB minified)
  • Figures out sort order on its own
  • A shadow where the item would be dropped offers visual feedback
  • Touch events
  • Solid browser support

Hit the button below to learn more about Dragula.

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Autocompeter - Auto Complete Search Widget
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Use Autocompeter as Auto-Complete Search Widget on Your Website

Autocompeter is a web service that provides an auto-complete search widget for your website. You can implement Autocompeter in two steps; putting a line of CSS and some JavaScript on your site and send your searchable titles and their URLs to Autocompeter via its API in JSON format. The API also supports an optional parameter called popularity for your titles so that you can have some kind of ranking system in the way the search results appear in the suggestion box. Autocompeter is free to use and it is super fast. The JS and CSS file sizes are miniscule and you can load them straight from the CDN. Hit the button below to learn more and view the demo on the same page.

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How to Manipulate and Animate SVG With Snap.svg

Once you understand the basics of CSS it’s natural to move onto more detailed subjects such as CSS3 animations. One of the subtopics of CSS3 animation is working with SVGs. SVG elements accept a few of the standard CSS properties but in order to truly animate them you’d need to use a dedicated JavaScript animation library like Snap.svg. Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more. Click the buttons below to go to the Snap.svg website or read more on how to manipulate and animate SVG with Snap.svg in the accompanying Tuts+ tutorial.

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back to top button
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Create Fun and Unusual Back to Top Button with Elevator Behaviour

Elevator.js is a tongue-in-cheek JavaScript library for making a back to top button that behaves like a real elevator, by adding elevator music to quietly soothe the awkwardness that can ensue when being smoothly scrolled to the top of the screen. According to its creator Tim Holman, “this is very serious stuff”. You can customize the this standalone plugin quite easily to change the background music, end sound effect, scroll duration or simply disabling the music altogether. Hit the buttons below to learn more and view the demo.

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Swiper - Modern Mobile Touch Slider
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Create Most Modern Mobile Touch Slider with Swiper

Swiper is a standalone modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior that runs great on iOS, latest Androids, Windows Phone 8 and modern desktop browsers. “Modern” here means it is not compatible with all platforms because it is only focused on modern apps/platforms to bring the best experience and simplicity. This free and open-source touch slider is created by It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native/hybrid apps. Swiper comes with a very extensive API, solid documentation and a nicely prepared demo page with source codes. Hit the buttons below to learn more.

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Responsive Data Tables: A Comprehensive List of Solutions

Since the adoption of responsive web design, various approaches have been developed for establishing tables that can scale well in different viewport sizes. In this very informative Sitepoint article, web developer George Martsoukos compiled a list of JavaScript-based responsive data tables solutions with accompanying Codepen demos that may come in handy for your responsive website design and development. The reviewed solutions are:

  • Bootstrap’s Responsive Tables
  • Foundation’s Responsive Tables
  • Stacktable.js jQuery plugin
  • Tablesaw jQuery plugin
  • RWD-Table-Patterns
  • FooTable jQuery plugin
  • DataTables jQuery plugin

Deciding on which solution to use depends largely on the type/size of your data and how they will be fed into the table (static or dynamic) as well as considering whether or not you need extra features such as sorting and filtering. Hit the buttons below to learn more or jump straight to the demos.

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Add a Timeline to Your Website with Google Charts

If you run a blog or website showcasing events in a chronological order, it is important to grab the readers’ attention as quickly as possible by displaying all the events vital information in an effective and interesting manner such as using timeline charts. In this Sitepoint tutorial, web developer Ashraff Hathibelagal teaches us how to use Google Charts to add professional looking timelines to your web pages. Google Charts allows us to use JavaScript to manipulate our charts data, appearance as well as adding interactivity, all of which are covered in this easy to follow tutorial and its accompanying demos. Click the button below to learn more.

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Tanx: Tank Shooter Game
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Tanx: Tank Shooter Game

Tanx is an online multiplayer tank shooter game created using PlayCanvas WebGL game engine, Node.JS, WebSockets, Web Audio API and 2D Canvas in a 12 hour hackathon. The objective of the game is to be the first team to destroy 32 enemy tanks on the battlefield. The team members will be assigned randomly as players join the game. You can control your tank with WASD keys and aim/shoot by using mouse or touch joystick on mobile platform. Hit the button below to launch the game in your browser or alternatively you can install it from the Chrome Web Store!


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How to Create a Chrome Extension in 10 Minutes Flat

In this Sitepoint article, web developer John Sonmez showed us how easy it is to create a Chrome extension in just 10 minutes. Chrome extensions consist of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Like regular websites, the UI are build using HTML and CSS while the extension logic are handled via JS that taps into the Google Chrome JS API. Finally to plug these files as a Chrome extension, you need a manifest file called manifest.json that describes your plugin in the way that Google Chrome understands. Take a couple of minutes to follow John’s tutorial and you’ll end up with a basic website speed analyzer extension that provides a really nice base for further customizations and tinkering. Hit the button below to learn more.

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Space.js - Narrative 3D ScrollingWebsite
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Create a Narrative 3D-Scrolling Website With Space.js

Space.js is a HTML-driven JS library for narrative 3D-scrolling created by Patrik Göthe. The goal of this experimental library is to explore a new way of presenting content on the web by introducing a new dimension to our usual scrolling behavior. It works by dividing your HTML sections into frames called space-frame and transition them in and out of the screen as you scroll. The default frame transition is to enter by fading in and exit by scaling up and then fading out however you can compose your own transitions using properties like opacity, scale, translate3d and rotation with the API. Hit the button below to learn more or view some demos.

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