All posts filed under “CSS

All the CSS-related tutorials, ideas and various posts in Stampede Constructs

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Optimizing CSS for Large Scale Displays

Optimizing CSS for many types of screens, and nowadays responsive is a must in any web or app development. This is to ensure the user experience is great in any viewport. Usually Front-end Developers (FEDs) will work on mobile, tablet and desktop screens. But what about Giant Screens? which are at least 2560×1600 pixels.
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Filed under: CSS


Getting Started with Sass
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Getting Started with Sass (Part 1)

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a CSS preprocessor. It is to CSS, what CoffeeScript is to Javascript. With stylesheets getting larger, more complex and harder to maintain, Sass lets you use features that don’t exist in CSS such as variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance and other features that make writing CSS fun again.

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Filed under: CSS


CSS Specificity
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5 Things You Should Know About CSS Specificity

CSS Specificity helps browsers to decide which CSS property value will take precedence over other elements and is an important topic when developing websites and apps. Nobody likes to write CSS only to have it not do anything making you bang your head on the wall. CSS Specificity is often neglected and if not taken care off can waste more time trying to debug. Fold your sleeve and let’s see what you should know about CSS Specificity.

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Filed under: CSS


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15 Interesting JS & CSS Libraries

There is nothing wrong about using ready-made libraries, especially if it helps with productivity. We’ve come across this list that provides resources for CSS & Javascript libraries.

We went through the list one-by-one since everything looked interesting. Particularly, this one caught out eye: Stylefmt. It is very handy as it can easily format your stylesheet! This is especially so, when you have multiple stylesheets and can be a lifesaver at times.

We also noticed these two libraries that caught our attention as well, TypeIt & StickerJs .

Check out the List

Exploring the Mall in 3D
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Exploring the Mall in 3D

Ever found yourself stuck in a mall waiting and you noticed an interactive digital directory to toy with? Instead of actually trying to find a location, you end up just fiddling with the UI to test its functionalities and response time. You’re not the only one, welcome to the group! We’ve found ourselves doing the exact same thing.

Codrops has come out with an attractive Interactive 3D Mall Map. We fell in love with this immediately due to it’s clean visuals and smooth transitions, definitely something to take a look at.

Take note however, the writer Mary Lou has mentioned that:

This is a highly experimental proof-of-concept. 3D and viewport units support is needed for this to work.

Check out the post Check out the demo

Ink Transition Effect
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Ink Transition Effect

Transitions maketh Interaction. Any website or mobile application without any transition would seem dull. The complexity of transitions can be as simple as a fade-in effect to something complex like the Call of Duty: Ghost loading UI Interface . Here’s an Ink transition inspired by Sevenhills, Claudia Romano has said :

“By using a PNG sprite and the steps() timing function in CSS, we can create video effects and use them as transitions”.

So what are you waiting for? Hop on the Transition train for a better future! Hola us for any ideas and comments on transitions!

See how it’s done Checkout the demo