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5 Unusual Things That Are Built With Only CSS

Every web developer knows CSS is typically used to style HTML elements but have you ever wondered if it is also possible to employ CSS to perform tasks otherwise done through JavaScript? The answer is yes. Although it will not completely replace JavaScript’s function features, with a little creativity and trickery, CSS could be a quicker, easier and comparable solution. In his article, Trevan Hetzel has shared 5 things you won’t believe are built with only CSS. There are some usability disadvantages as highlighted by a commenter but give it a spin and see if you could improve it.

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Filed under: CSS

About the Author

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Sani Halid is a front-end developer at Stampede and is committed to clean and elegant code. Yet another gamer to join the pack, Sani is also the Editor at Constructs where he shares his daily CSS findings and other front-end development goods.

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